From 1 to 3 March, we participated in the EU Civil Society Days organized by the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union (EESC) with 8 CSOs working in various fields within the framework of the Project on Monitoring Freedom of Association supported by the European Union and implemented jointly with TÜSEV. We supported the participation of 8 CSOs in the forum in Brussels, Belgium. The CSOs whose participation we supported are as follows;
Buldan Education and Solidarity Foundation, Youth Organizations Forum Association, Migration Research Association, Climate Volunteers Platform, Mesopotamia Foundation, Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), Media and Migration Association and Queer Studies of Universities and Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Intersex Solidarity Association.
“How do we see participatory and deliberative democracy in the future? How can we democratize the European economy? How should civil society be funded? What do digital rights mean for citizens?” Answers were sought in various workshops.